How to Turn Our Child’s “Failures” into Wins

This episode is for educational purposes only and is not intended to replace the guidance of a qualified professional.

We will all fall short sometimes and so will our children with anxiety or OCD. They will avoid, they will crumble, they will give in to their anxiety or OCD. That is all par for the course.

How to help our kids with stumbles and how to turn those situations into a learning opportunity for growth.

More often than not they will view these situations as “failures.” They might beat themselves up or use the experience as evidence that they can’t do it again.

So how do we approach our child who couldn’t make it, couldn’t do it, couldn’t get through it? There is learning and growth in everything we do, including our perceived failures.

In this week’s AT Parenting Survival Podcast I talk about how to help our kids with these stumbles and how to turn those situations into a learning opportunity for growth.

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