How to Help Kids Handle Downtime with Anxiety or OCD

Summer is here and most kids are ecstatic. But kids with anxiety or OCD can feel some dread. Dread over the downtime. Dread over the slow pace that invites anxiety or OCD to take center stage.

Often downtime can make an anxious mind worse, but it doesn’t have to be that way! This week I am teaching kids how to handle downtime with anxiety or OCD.

Most parents think summer is a free pass on anxiety or OCD. The stressors of the school year are put on pause. So you might think anxiety or OCD symptoms would go down. But, unfortunately this often is not the case.

When life is busy, even with undesirable stuff like homework, practices and the daily grind, the brain is often too busy to give center stage for anxiety or OCD.

The solitude of summer can also bring along with it a quiet mind. A quiet mind means a vulnerable mind, where anxiety or OCD may try to be center stage.

In this week’s YouTube episode, I talk directly to kids about how they can handle downtime to fully soak up the enjoyment of their break without anxiety or OCD stealing the show.

Click below to watch the video.

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Listen to my Podcast Episode on Helping Kids Handle Downtime:

PSP 072: Helping Kids with Anxiety & OCD Survive the Summer