What to Do When OCD Makes Your Child Doubt They Have OCD

OCD loves to make people doubt. It loves to make people doubt so much that it can even make them doubt they have OCD. Even when they have been diagnosed. Even when they have been successful in treatment.

OCD loves to make people doubt. It loves to make people doubt so much that it can even make them doubt they have OCD. In this quick video I explain how to deal with this struggle.

Often this doubt comes when OCD is desperate, when the person has made some great progress. It whispers to them:

Maybe you don’t have OCD.

Maybe they’re all wrong.

Maybe you are just disturbed, bad or sick.

Maybe these are YOUR thoughts, not OCD thoughts.

This type of intrusive thought can derail success if not called out for what it is – another OCD lie.

In this week’s youtube video I talk to kids and teens about how OCD will use this tactic to turn all their progress upside down, and what they can do about it.


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