When OCD Tells Your Child to Do it Or Something Bad Will Happen

This video is for educational purposes only and is not intended to replace the guidance of a qualified professional.

One of OCD’s most powerful weapons is the threat that if the compulsion is not done, something bad will happen. This will look different for each person depending on their theme, but the overarching message is, your worst fear will come true if you don’t do what I want. 

I am teaching kids the idea of OCD magical thinking and I explore how they can entangle themselves from this threatening relationship.

In this week’s Youtube video I am teaching kids the idea of OCD magical thinking and I explore how they can entangle themselves from this threatening relationship.

Click below to watch:

Don’t have time to watch? Click here to subscribe to my Youtube channel on anxiety/OCD and watch later.


🌸 NEW! Want your kids to have direct help?

❤️ Course for kids and teens with OCD:

Crushing OCD Course for Kids & Teens