Does OCD Make Your Child’s Clothes not Feel Just Right?
This video is for educational purposes only and is not intended to replace the guidance of a qualified professional.
OCD loves to make our kids uncomfortable and when it comes to just right OCD it can literally do that!
Often just right OCD themes will make their clothes not feel just right. They might feel like their clothes are too tight and then too loose. They might find themselves redoing their laces or retightening their pants over and over. It can make them feel like clothes don’t feel just right on their body. It is enough to drive anyone crazy!
But unlike Sensory Processing Disorder, with just right OCD they can’t find the perfect clothes and shoes to make their struggles go away. They might find temporary relief, but more often than not they are back on the hamster wheel the next day trying to make OCD happy once again.
In this week’s YouTube video I talk to kids and teens about how just right OCD can make them feel like their clothes don’t feel just right and how to handle this struggle.
🌸 Do you want in-depth support? Check out my online course on how to crush OCD at
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