PSP 130: Why Our Child’s Anxiety, OCD or Behaviors are Worse for Us

“We don’t see it, he’s great for us.”
“Nope, we don’t have any issues with her.”
“Anxiety? Are you sure?”
“OCD? I never see him wash his hands.” (eye roll to that one)
“He is a perfect angel when he is with me.”

Often our child's anxiety, OCD or behavior is worse for us than other people. We explore why that is and what to do about it.

Ugh. These types of comments can make you doubt all that you know and see.


Is it me?
Am I causing her anxiety?
Am I causing this behavior?
Do I make his OCD worse?


You are not alone. Parents everywhere are having these thoughts. They toss and turn before they go to sleep. They have pangs of doubt, guilt and anger when their child turns into a puddle for them and holds it together for everyone else.


So what is going on?


Well let’s put the parental guilt and shame down for a minute and look at some alternative perspectives.


In this week’s AT Parenting Survival Podcast episode, I talk about why many of our kids with anxiety or OCD have the hardest time when they are with us. And why it often has nothing to do with the parenting.

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Other Resources on Parenting a Child’s Anxiety or OCD:

PSP 081: Coping with the Stress of Parenting a Child with Anxiety or OCD | Interview with Kevin Ashworth

PSP 020: Parenting Children with OCD | Doing the Opposite of What Feels Right

Ask the Child Therapist Episode 26: Why You Should Name Your Child’s Anxiety