Why Does My Child’s Anxiety or OCD Show Up More For ME?!

This episode is for educational purposes only and is not intended to replace the guidance of a qualified professional.

One of the biggest questions I get from parents is, “Why does my child’s anxiety or OCD show up more for me?” It can be a source of contention when one parent sees all the struggles and the other parent sees nothing.

In this week’s AT Parenting Survival Podcast I’ll explore why kids tend to show their anxiety or OCD more to one parent than to anyone else and what we can do about it.

It can cause people to finger point and waste unnecessary energy playing the blame game. 

The truth is…that is the norm. 

In this week’s AT Parenting Survival Podcast I’ll explore why kids tend to show their anxiety or OCD more to one parent than to anyone else and what we can do about it.

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🌸 Get in-depth support giving your child with anxiety or OCD skills with my online courses at AT Parenting Survival School.

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