How Your Childhood Impacts How You Handle Your Child’s Anxiety or OCD

This episode is for educational purposes only and is not intended to replace the guidance of a qualified professional.

We don’t just leave our childhood in the past. It comes with us, altering our lens of how we view life. This includes how we view and interact with our child’s anxiety or OCD.

In this episode of the AT Parenting Survival Podcast, I will help you explore the 5 main categories where our childhood impacts how we parent our kids with anxiety or OCD, as well as what to do about it!

When we learn to identify the “smudges” our childhood is adding to our lens, we are better able to separate out our issues from our child’s issues, becoming more present and intentional in the moment.

In this episode of the AT Parenting Survival Podcast, I will help you explore the 5 main categories where our childhood impacts how we parent our kids with anxiety or OCD, as well as what to do about it!

⚓️ Want some free in-depth support on this topic? We are talking all about this in my brand new FREE series, How to Be an Effective Anchor for Your Child with Anxiety or OCD. Just register at

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