PSP 089: How Do I Help My Child with Perfectionism

It can be so hard to watch your child beat themselves up. To watch them set standards so high, no one would be able to achieve them. To berate, insult and demean themselves. How are you supposed to help a child with perfectionism?

Perfectionism can ruin a child’s self-esteem and ongoing success. Learn how to help your child with perfectionism.Some kids are internally driven to strive for perfectionism. Perfectionism isn’t synonymous with go-getter. Perfectionism slows people down. Destroys self-esteem. Immobilizes productivity and success.

It isn’t something you want sticking around.

The good news is kids can be taught to change their perspective. Kids are a work in progress and the final results are yet to come.

You can help your child alter the way they look at life, and themselves.

In this week’s podcast episode I talk all about how to help your child with perfectionism and discuss how I work on helping my own child with it as well.

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