Is Your Child’s OCD Sabotaging Therapy?

Is Your Child’s OCD Sabotaging Therapy?

OCD doesn’t want a spotlight on it. It doesn’t want help. It just wants our kids to do what it says without question.

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How to Help Our Kids Overcome Test Anxiety

How to Help Our Kids Overcome Test Anxiety

Most of us can’t escape having to take tests as we go through life. But for some of our kids taking a test can cause intense test anxiety. In this week’s YouTube video, I dive into the common core fears around test anxiety and offer some concrete tips on how to overcome test anxiety one step at a time.

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Perfectionism Robs Our Kids of This.

Perfectionism Robs Our Kids of This.

Perfectionism can take up our child’s most important commodity – time. When they pour all their energy into perfecting something, other areas of their life suffer. That means that friendships, family relationships, a balanced diet, a good night’s sleep and time to recharge, all get sidelined in the name of perfection.

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Does Your Anxiety or OCD Make Your Child Fear Everything Can Lead to Their Death?

Does Your Anxiety or OCD Make Your Child Fear Everything Can Lead to Their Death?

Anxiety and OCD love to worry our kids about things they cannot control, including the ultimate thing out of their control – death.

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Does Your Child Need to Identify Their Core Fears to Conquer OCD?

Does Your Child Need to Identify Their Core Fears to Conquer OCD?

OCD can create many different themes and compulsions. It can feel like whac-a-mole, but often there are only one or two core fears that are fueling all of this chaos. When your child is able to identify their core fear they’re able to tackle the head of the beast and have more success long term.

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What’s Your Child’s Ground Zero for Their Contamination OCD?

What’s Your Child’s Ground Zero for Their Contamination OCD?

Contamination OCD is one of the most debilitating OCD themes because it can get out of control pretty quickly. When OCD tells you that you cannot touch something it starts an avalanche of rules and hypervigilance that can take over your life.

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Is Your Child Stuck on an Anxiety Avoidance Loop?

Is Your Child Stuck on an Anxiety Avoidance Loop?

Anxiety can feel so overwhelming that our kids just want to avoid it. That can make them avoid doing hard things. It can make them avoid triggering their anxiety. Perhaps they avoid going to certain places, seeing certain people or doing certain activities.

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Does Your Child’s OCD Demand Everyone Accommodate it?

Does Your Child’s OCD Demand Everyone Accommodate it?

OCD doesn’t just boss your child around, it can boss their loved ones around as well. OCD demands that they do or avoid things to get brief relief. It can hook their family into those demands as well.

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Does OCD Make Your Child Worry They are Racist?!

Does OCD Make Your Child Worry They are Racist?!

OCD can attack what our kids value and that includes their beliefs. One common intrusive OCD thought is the fear that they might be racist or that people will think they are racist.

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Does Your Child Give Up too Easily?

Does Your Child Give Up too Easily?

Anxiety and OCD can take a TON of resilience. So when your child generally gives up easily, this can impact how they handle their mental health struggles.

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Does Anxiety Make it Hard for Your Child to Sleep Alone? Why It’s Helpful to Work on It.

Does Anxiety Make it Hard for Your Child to Sleep Alone? Why It’s Helpful to Work on It.

Anxiety can fuel our children’s imagination in all sorts of ways. When it is dark and quiet at night it is easy to think of all sorts of what if scenarios that can leave them feeling unsafe.

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When OCD Sabotages Your Child’s OCD Medication

When OCD Sabotages Your Child’s OCD Medication

When your child is trying to beat OCD they are playing chess with a very skilled player. They make their move, OCD makes its move. OCD is always trying to outsmart and outthink their efforts. 

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Does OCD Make Your Child Worry They’ll Catch Other People’s Traits?

Does OCD Make Your Child Worry They’ll Catch Other People’s Traits?

OCD can make us worry about anything, including worrying we’ll catch someone else’s traits. This is often based typically on whatever OCD theme is driving it.

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Is Your Child Trying to Beat Contamination OCD? OCD Doesn’t Play Fair.

Is Your Child Trying to Beat Contamination OCD? OCD Doesn’t Play Fair.

If your child is struggling with contamination OCD they might be thinking they can keep themselves safe as long as they keep track of everything and anything that touches them or the things they care about. This can keep them so distracted and overwhelmed. It is like being on a hamster wheel they cannot get off. But they often think it is worth it, because they are able to control whether they get contaminated.

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Does OCD Make Your Child Worry They Are Going Crazy? (They’re not alone).

Does OCD Make Your Child Worry They Are Going Crazy? (They’re not alone).

OCD has the power to make us feel anything, including crazy. OCD can make us doubt anything, including our sanity. One of OCD’s sneakiest themes is the fear of going crazy.

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