PSP 389: Reducing Isolation in Kids Who are Doing Homeschool or Online Schooling

PSP 389: Reducing Isolation in Kids Who are Doing Homeschool or Online Schooling

Many of our kids thrive in non-traditional learning environments. And some of our kids are not able to go to an in-person school due to the acuity of their anxiety or OCD. One of the cons of at-home learning is the isolation it can bring. Isolation can increase anxiety and OCD and make our kids feel disconnected. It is helpful to have a proactive plan on how to connect our kids with others so we reduce the impact of isolation.

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PSP 388: Helping Our College Kids with Anxiety or OCD

PSP 388: Helping Our College Kids with Anxiety or OCD

It is hard enough supporting our kids with anxiety or OCD, but what happens when they go away to college? We still need to support our kids, but our relationship and physical proximity has changed. 

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Does Your Child’s OCD Demand Everyone Accommodate it?

Does Your Child’s OCD Demand Everyone Accommodate it?

OCD doesn’t just boss your child around, it can boss their loved ones around as well. OCD demands that they do or avoid things to get brief relief. It can hook their family into those demands as well.

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PSP 387: How to Address Picking and Pulling Behaviors with Aneela Idnani 

PSP 387: How to Address Picking and Pulling Behaviors with Aneela Idnani 

It is not uncommon for kids with anxiety or OCD to also have issues with picking their skin or pulling their hair. These behaviors are classified as BFRBs, body-focused, repetitive behaviors.

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PSP 386: The Difference Between PDA Accommodations and OCD Accommodations

PSP 386: The Difference Between PDA Accommodations and OCD Accommodations

Often parents who are raising kids with both PDA and OCD get conflicting advice. This can push a parent who is already stressed, over the edge. 

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Does OCD Make Your Child Worry They are Racist?!

Does OCD Make Your Child Worry They are Racist?!

OCD can attack what our kids value and that includes their beliefs. One common intrusive OCD thought is the fear that they might be racist or that people will think they are racist.

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PSP 385: Helping Kids with OCD with Stuart Ralph from OCD Stories

PSP 385: Helping Kids with OCD with Stuart Ralph from OCD Stories

I had the pleasure of sitting down with Stuart Ralph, from the podcast The OCD Stories to talk about his journey from OCD sufferer, OCD podcaster to therapist.

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Does Your Child Give Up too Easily?

Does Your Child Give Up too Easily?

Anxiety and OCD can take a TON of resilience. So when your child generally gives up easily, this can impact how they handle their mental health struggles.

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PSP 384: Why Family Involvement is Key to OCD Treatment in Kids

PSP 384: Why Family Involvement is Key to OCD Treatment in Kids

OCD doesn’t live in a bubble; it lives in our home. It lives in our families. It is not an isolated disorder. It involves the whole family system.

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PSP 383: The Power of Celebrating Small Wins with Anxiety or OCD

PSP 383: The Power of Celebrating Small Wins with Anxiety or OCD

Anxiety and OCD can create hopelessness. It can feel like such an overwhelming task to overcome these struggles. Often we focus on the end goal.

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When OCD Sabotages Your Child’s OCD Medication

When OCD Sabotages Your Child’s OCD Medication

When your child is trying to beat OCD they are playing chess with a very skilled player. They make their move, OCD makes its move. OCD is always trying to outsmart and outthink their efforts. 

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PSP 382: A Helpful Tool for OCD Reassurance Seeking

PSP 382: A Helpful Tool for OCD Reassurance Seeking

OCD doesn’t just involve our kids, it involves us. OCD reassurance seeking is a sneaky compulsion. It gets us to do OCD’s dirty work. We often don’t even know we are talking to OCD.

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Does OCD Make Your Child Worry They’ll Catch Other People’s Traits?

Does OCD Make Your Child Worry They’ll Catch Other People’s Traits?

OCD can make us worry about anything, including worrying we’ll catch someone else’s traits. This is often based typically on whatever OCD theme is driving it.

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Is Your Child Trying to Beat Contamination OCD? OCD Doesn’t Play Fair.

Is Your Child Trying to Beat Contamination OCD? OCD Doesn’t Play Fair.

If your child is struggling with contamination OCD they might be thinking they can keep themselves safe as long as they keep track of everything and anything that touches them or the things they care about. This can keep them so distracted and overwhelmed. It is like being on a hamster wheel they cannot get off. But they often think it is worth it, because they are able to control whether they get contaminated.

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Does OCD Make Your Child Worry They Are Going Crazy? (They’re not alone).

Does OCD Make Your Child Worry They Are Going Crazy? (They’re not alone).

OCD has the power to make us feel anything, including crazy. OCD can make us doubt anything, including our sanity. One of OCD’s sneakiest themes is the fear of going crazy.

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