When OCD Sabotages Your Child’s OCD Medication

When OCD Sabotages Your Child’s OCD Medication

When your child is trying to beat OCD they are playing chess with a very skilled player. They make their move, OCD makes its move. OCD is always trying to outsmart and outthink their efforts. 

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Does OCD Make Your Child Worry They’ll Catch Other People’s Traits?

Does OCD Make Your Child Worry They’ll Catch Other People’s Traits?

OCD can make us worry about anything, including worrying we’ll catch someone else’s traits. This is often based typically on whatever OCD theme is driving it.

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Is Your Child Trying to Beat Contamination OCD? OCD Doesn’t Play Fair.

Is Your Child Trying to Beat Contamination OCD? OCD Doesn’t Play Fair.

If your child is struggling with contamination OCD they might be thinking they can keep themselves safe as long as they keep track of everything and anything that touches them or the things they care about. This can keep them so distracted and overwhelmed. It is like being on a hamster wheel they cannot get off. But they often think it is worth it, because they are able to control whether they get contaminated.

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Does OCD Make Your Child Worry They Are Going Crazy? (They’re not alone).

Does OCD Make Your Child Worry They Are Going Crazy? (They’re not alone).

OCD has the power to make us feel anything, including crazy. OCD can make us doubt anything, including our sanity. One of OCD’s sneakiest themes is the fear of going crazy.

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Does OCD Make Your Child Worry They’ll Get Poisoned?!

Does OCD Make Your Child Worry They’ll Get Poisoned?!

OCD loves to make our kids worry. It can make them doubt everything, including their safety. A common OCD fear is that they might get poisoned. This can look different for each person, but the main fear is the same. 

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Does OCD Make Your Child’s Clothes not Feel Just Right?

Does OCD Make Your Child’s Clothes not Feel Just Right?

OCD loves to make our kids uncomfortable and when it comes to just right OCD it can literally do that!

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Is OCD Ruining Your Family Relationships?

Is OCD Ruining Your Family Relationships?

OCD doesn’t only boss your child around, it bosses the entire family around. It is very easy for kids to get frustrated at family members when they do not do what OCD is demanding them to do. OCD wants the whole family to follow its rules and when family members don’t abide, OCD can pit your child against the whole family.

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Is Your Child Trying to Get Rid of Anxiety? That Might be the Problem.

Is Your Child Trying to Get Rid of Anxiety? That Might be the Problem.

Often when we have anxiety or OCD we hyperfocus on getting rid of the anxiety. We can view anxious feelings as the enemy. We might think that success is not being anxious 100% of the time. Success is not being uncomfortable. Success is being calm and content.

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Sensorimotor OCD and the Urge to Pee Over and Over Again 😩

Sensorimotor OCD and the Urge to Pee Over and Over Again 😩

Sensorimotor OCD makes people hyperfocus on bodily functions. One of those bodily functions is the need to pee. When you have sensorimotor OCD you hyperfocus on your bladder’s sensations. You might go to the bathroom over and over. You might check to see if you need to pee repeatedly.

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When OCD Bosses the Family Around

When OCD Bosses the Family Around

OCD doesn’t just boss the child around and tell them what to do or avoid. It loves to involve family members. Often kids just want their family to give in to OCD’s demands. It can be easy to make family members the enemy, when really it is OCD.

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When OCD Says Your Child Will Ruin…

When OCD Says Your Child Will Ruin…

OCD loves to tell our kids that they’ll ruin things. Maybe it tells them that they’ll ruin a vacation or special occasion. Maybe it tells them that they’ll ruin their favorite belongings. Or maybe it tells them that they’ll ruin their favorite song or show. It doesn’t matter. It’s all the same in the end.

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Helping Kids Understand the Use of Imaginal Scripts to Get OCD Relief

Helping Kids Understand the Use of Imaginal Scripts to Get OCD Relief

OCD tools are not as effective if kids don’t understand why we are using them. That’s the reason I start with educating kids on the WHY around exposures and other OCD tools before we start.

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Is Anxiety or OCD Overwhelming Your Child?

Is Anxiety or OCD Overwhelming Your Child?

Anxiety and OCD are overwhelming. They can be so overwhelming that your child might not want to even try to work on their anxiety or OCD. But there is always hope. 

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Is Your Child Doing Mental Compulsions for OCD and Doesn’t Know it?!

Is Your Child Doing Mental Compulsions for OCD and Doesn’t Know it?!

OCD can be sneaky! Often people think they aren’t doing any OCD compulsions and so they don’t think they have OCD. There are a ton of mental compulsions that are often missed!

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Is OCD Robbing Your Child of Things They Love?

Is OCD Robbing Your Child of Things They Love?

OCD doesn’t stay in its lane. It robs our kids of the things they love the most. If they love their pet, it might give them thoughts that make them avoid them. If they love their phone, it will bombard them with compulsions around it. If they love gaming, their OCD will play its own game ruining all the fun. If they want to hang out with their friends, OCD might give them a ton of reasons why that will be too triggering. What things, people and experiences does OCD rob from your child? In this week’s YouTube video I talk to kids, teens and young adults about how to find their power and take back the things they love.

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