I invited Julie McCorkle from Jules and Co to teach us how to take five seconds out of our day to feel like a better mom. I love her ideas!
Have you ever had one of those days? Your time is running short, your kids are running the halls, and you are running out of patience?
We’ve all been there, it’s part of the package that comes with motherhood sometimes. And I’m ok with that! These are character molding times y’all.
So what do you do with a day that seems to go all wrong?
It seems to me you have two simple choices:
1. Let it slide and spend the rest of the day wishin’ and hopin’ tomorrow turns out better.
2. Take action! Be proactive and turn the day around with these 5 second fixes to be a better mom.
Here’s the thing, we often think it’s the big, epic moments that chart our course as a mom. Be 100% mom 100% of the time. Be the mom that does it all.
Great moms know this secret: it’s the small moments that matter most.
A few seconds of being intentional will quickly add up to make your kids feel valued and loved in your home. And you, my friend, will feel that mama courage and patience begin to bubble up again.
I know your day is full and your to-do list is long. But I also know this. Being a better mom isn’t rocket science. You can start with just five seconds of being intentional with your attention and affection. It’s as simple as that!
30 + Quick Fixes to Savor the Small Moments of Motherhood
1. Give an Eskimo kiss
2. Start a tickle fight
3. Say “You’re so kind.”
4. Say “I like the way you did that.”
5. Race the grocery cart down an empty aisle
6. Make up a secret handshake
7. Gaze at the moon before you enter the house at night
8. Take a deep breath and count to five together
9. Ask “What are you thankful for today?”
10. Dance in the car at a stoplight
11. Race to the nearest tree
12. Give a hug
13. Make shadow puppets on the wall
14. Bring your child iced tea or hot chocolate just because
15. Have a silly face contest
16. Sing the ABC song as fast as you possibly can
17. Make funny animal sounds
18. Watch an ant hard at work
19. Splash in a puddle
20. Doodle a silly drawing
21. Look into their eyes when you speak to them
22. Start a staring contest
23. Share a piece of chocolate
24. Play a speed round of Simon says
25. Help them find a book to read
26. Jump on the bed together
27. Write down Grandma’s phone number and let them call her
28. Scratch their back
29. Bring them a pillow to prop their feet up
30. Give a silly wink
31. Whistle a tune
32. Do the “wheelbarrow” walk
33. Tell a joke
34. Give a high five
35. Say “I love you.”
So, if your day is looking a little uninspired, take action!
Grab the free printable version of this post! Be sure to check the bio for the link.
You can be a better mom today.
All it takes are a few small moments all bundled together to make an intentional impact on your family. Remember, those seemingly small moments are actually big moments in disguise.
How will you savor the small moments today? Leave a comment and inspire us!
Guest Writer:
Julie is a stay-at-home mom, author, and blogger at julesandco.net. She loves devouring great books, tackling DIY projects, and soaking up knowledge with her spunky two-year-old son. She considers herself chief of the “Naptime Ninja” tribe. Julie is passionate about helping moms teach and love their families well! For a free printable cheat sheet of Small Moment Fixes, click through here.
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