Tired of Feeling Alone in Your Child’s Battle with Anxiety or OCD?

If you are parenting a child with anxiety or OCD you might feel alone, misunderstood and even possibly judged. Helping your child battle anxiety or OCD can be so hard on many fronts.

You might wonder:

How am I supposed to help them in their battle with anxiety or OCD?
What can I do when they are panicky?
How do I help them through it?

When your child is in a battle with anxiety or OCD in can feel so lonely. It doesn’t have to be though. There are a tribe of us. Sharing and caring!

You might also wonder:

Why don’t other people deal with this?
Why can’t friends and family see their battle with anxiety or OCD the way I do?
Why can’t the school help more?

No, I am not a mind reader. But, I live, eat and breathe anxiety and OCD too.

Not only am I a child therapist, but I am a parent too. I live in this world twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. It is my world at 3am when my child wakes up from, yet another nightmare. And it is my world when I am in my big girl clothes at my office helping other parents just like you.

I know what works and mostly likely what won’t work. I know how to create a lifestyle where anxiety and OCD are not in charge. I weave it into our daily routine without batting an eye.

We can’t control whether or not our kids have anxiety or OCD, but we can control what we want to do about it.

I want to help others like you, like myself. I have some ideas on how to do that. Listen to this week’s episode and I’ll tell you what I’ve been cooking up…


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