Teaching Kids How to Deal with Anxious Thoughts

The hardest part about having anxiety is the onslaught of anxious thoughts day after day after day. Now imagine you are just a kid. A kid who is learning how to tie his shoes. To multiply and divide. To make friends and keep friends. The constant flood of anxious thoughts is enough to make a child stop dead in their tracks. It is enough to make them want to retreat, to not get out of bed. It can derail their education and their ability to socialize.

Anxious thoughts can get in the way of school, friends and happiness. This youtube video will teach kids how to crush anxious thoughts as they develop.

When anxious thoughts are entertained, developed and expanded upon, children with anxiety are immobilized. Horrific images and scenes play out in their little heads. A zillion What-If scenarios are entertained and considered.

Wouldn’t it be nice if anxious kids became aware of these thoughts and weren’t just victims to them? Wouldn’t be even nicer if anxious children started to sharpen their skills and learn not only how to notice these worrying thoughts, but how to defeat them?

In my last kids Youtube video I talked about how to notice anxiety and change the channel in your brain. This week I am going one step further and I am showing kids how to deal with these anxious thoughts one anxious snowball at a time.

Ask the Child Therapist Kids Edition will come out with new videos to help kids every Thursday. Don’t miss one! Hit here to subscribe.

Click below to watch my short video:
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For support raising anxious kids listen to my podcast:

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My Favorite Books to Help Kids with Anxiety: