Helping Anxious Kids Who Crumble Under Pressure

Anxious kids crumble under pressure for a variety of reasons. They might worry about deadlines and school work. They might worry about the social pressures of being called on or being watched. They might fear being less than perfect or being worse than others. They might have difficulties making decisions, worried about picking the wrong choice.

Many anxious kids crumble under pressure. In this episode I talk about why anxious kids crumble under pressure and how to help them.

In this week’s AT Parenting Survival Podcast, I talk about why kids crumble under pressure and how to help them.

Sometimes avoidance is actually a bigger issue called PDA (Pathological Demand Avoidance). This is a subtype on the autistic spectrum. Currently it is not as well known in the United States. To learn more go to:


To learn more about my Social Anxiety online class go to

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