What Makes Anxiety in Children Worse!
Nobody gives parents a handbook when they pop out a kid. Even if they did, it probably wouldn’t have a chapter on anxiety in children. That’s why so many of us with anxious kids feel like we are sailing in a very lonely boat. A boat that no one really taught us how to sail.
She’s refusing to go to school again – is it cruel to make her go? Who the heck knows!
He needs me to be with him until he falls asleep – should I do it? Someone give me a clue!
She’s so shy, I order her food for her – am I helping or hurting her anxiety?
Let’s decode this mystery together. Grab a seat and let’s have a chat. Hit play below:

Other Articles on Anxiety in Children:
How to Help a Child with Anxiety: 21 Things Every Parent Should Know
30 Signs of Social Anxiety in Children: When it is Beyond Shyness
The Link Between Sensory Processing and Child Anxiety