Helping a Child with Anxiety and ADHD with Angela Pruess

Having a child with anxiety can be rough, but having a child with anxiety and ADHD can be complete parental overload!

Both ADHD and anxiety have their own challenges – and together they can be a force to be reckoned with.

If you have a child with anxiety and ADHD you might have a full parental plate! I invited Angela Pruess to teach us some practical tips on parenting a child with anxiety and ADHD.

That is why I have invited the knowledgeable and ever-helpful, Angela Pruess from the site Parents with Confidence.

Angela and I are almost mirror images of each other. She is a mother to three kids, two of whom have some extra needs (like mine)! She is also a Licensed Family Therapist who gets it on a professional and personal level.

She offered some great insight and tips on how to parent kids who have both of ADHD and anxiety.


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Other Articles and Podcasts on ADHD:

Sometimes the expectations don't make sense for a child with ADHD. Are your expectations reasonable?

Sometimes anxious kids don't look anxious. Sometimes they look hyper and unfocused. Unfortunately it is common for these kids to be misdiagnosed with ADHD. Here is why.

Other ADHD Resources from Angela Pruess:

All in One Comprehensive Guide to Raising a Child with ADHD

ADHD and Discipline 


Books to Help Kids with ADHD: