The Most Common Reasons Why Kids are Afraid to Sleep
It’s bedtime. You are arming yourself for battle. You muster up all your energy. It’s going to be a long night. You are already running on fumes from the frequent interruptions in your sleep the night before. How long can you function like this? What on earth can make a child so afraid to sleep? Especially a child who has experienced nothing but security and stability?
You are not alone. There are millions of sleep deprived parents out there asking the same exact question. They line up for therapy appointments and quick solutions. Sleep is one of those things we kinda need.
I have worked with thousands of kids with sleep issues. And through the sea of anxious kids, I have seen four main reasons why kids are afraid to sleep.
Let me demystify the sleep issues for you. Be sure to subscribe so you don’t miss Episode 40. It will be part 2 on this topic. In part 2 I will talk about the best approaches to help those kids who are afraid to sleep finally get some shut eye.
Click below to watch my short video:
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Other Articles on Children’s Sleep Problems: